Our philosophy is one of multidisciplinary collaboration, embracing the unique contribution of people from every aspect of real estate development

    Zoning and Land planning
Project planning Adaptive reuse
    Historic rehabilitation and non- historic rehabilitation
New construction for townhomes Multi- family and commercial projects
Legislative analysis
    Income tax and Property tax law
    Accounting and budgeting,  
    Economic development and its benefits to municipalities  
Tax Incremental Financing Enterprise zone,  Reze ( rivers edge),  put in ALL city grants gotten even if didn’t fund
Federal and State Grants Environmental issues in development Green Incentives
    New Market Tax Credits (NMTC)
    Historic Tax Credits (HTC,) and Affordable Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC),
Contract negotiation
Local landmark designations EPA issues – discuss Real estate income tax, state historic tax credits
    Construction and building code expertise as it relates to the development process, and costs., project capital structuring & leveraged loan with tax credits, equity,  and syndication
Federal Landmark individual Property and Area designations via Illinois Historic Preservation and National Park Service, bank work outs etc
    CDBG development grants energy grants, strong professional financial backgrounds ( CPA, MST etc)